As you've found us, you are obviously looking for a reliable source of cheap MP3s to download - whether it's the latest chart song or album, or a classic from decades gone by.
That is precisely why I set up this website - to provide an extensive resource of cheap MP3 website reviews. I offer my own opinions on how each site caters for MP3 downloads costing as little as a few cents (or pennies) per track to buy, so you can make an informed choice when selecting a site from which to download your music.
It's long in the past that you'd need to spend close to $20 just for a single album - now music is digitalised, cost has come down and yet the CD-quality sound remains. Some of the sites we review sell entire albums for as little as $1! What's more, due to the licensing laws of the countries where most of the MP3 download websites are based (predominantly Russia), every download is completely legal! For a further, more detailed, explanation on download laws pertaining to buying MP3s, please refer to our FAQs page.